Invisalign At Hagley Dental

Discreet and effective teeth straightening for adults and teens near Stourbridge

Hagley Dental is pleased to offer the leading Invisalign teeth straightening treatment for  patients who want all the benefits of orthodontics without the downsides that come with traditional braces. 

This incredibly popular treatment is an excellent choice if you feel you’ve missed your chance to have a straight, beautiful smile because you avoided braces earlier in life. Now, as an adult, you can finally have mild misalignments, rotation and other common orthodontic issues corrected, without having to worry about any impact on your appearance, diet, dental cleaning routine or speech. 

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign treatment enables you to straighten your smile discreetly and comfortably with nearly invisible aligners. The bespoke aligners are worn for most of the day, every day and are changed every week or two. As time goes on, the aligners are working away, gently moving your teeth into place until they finally reach the desired position and you have the perfect smile you’ve always wanted. 

The amount of time this will take depends on the individual, and can range from six months, to over a year. 

Before Treatment
After Treatment

Key Benefits Of Invisalign:

Discreet & nearly invisible
Removable for cleaning, eating and personal time
Much more comfortable than metal braces
Exceptional results
No messy impressions
Great oral hygiene is maintained throughout the treatment
Suitable for teens and adults
Easy maintenance
Gentle on gums and teeth

How Does Invisalign Work?

The Invisalign process uses special trays (aligners) that fit discreetly onto your teeth. Your Hagley Dental Invisalign Practitioner uses advanced technology to takes images of your mouth without the need for messy impressions. We then design bespoke aligners for each stage of the straightening treatment. 

Each set of aligners will slowly move the teeth into the correct position gently, without the use of any wires or brackets, as with traditional straightening systems. At the end of your treatment we will also recommend fixed and removable retainers to help maintain the position of the teeth over time. 

Who Is Invisalign Suitable For?

Invisalign is excellent for teens and adults and is extremely popular; indeed many people suggest that Invisalign is the leading teeth straightening solution.

Invisalign works fastest on mild and simple orthodontic cases where there is some misalignment or rotation of the teeth. However it can sometimes be used on more complex cases too. In cases where back teeth require corrective work, or the orthodontic issues are very complex, Invisalign may not be suitable and we will discuss alternatives with you.

Invisalign works well for teens and adults who want to discreetly straighten their teeth and as the aligners are nearly invisible, you can correct the teeth without having to worry about how you sound or look. Because the aligners are removable, you also don’t have to miss out on your favourite foods either. 

It’s no wonder that Invisalign is often referred to as the ‘clear alternative’ to traditional braces and why it’s so popular. If you are ready to start your teeth straightening journey, please contact the team at Hagley Dental on 01562 883 177 to arrange your consultation.

Your beautiful, straight new smile is just around the corner!

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